About Pris


Thank you for taking a second of your time to view my blog. I hope that you quickly find that I am quite the simple person and enjoy my random (and maybe also quirky) topics of conversation.

Mother, is my primary role on any given day. Yes, I will be that "bragging mom" for the moment... I have thee most wonderful, loving and full of spunk, soon-to-be 10 year old daughter. Frightened that I only have two years left before she hits the teen years.  Scared to face the attitudes and all that comes along with having a teenage daughter....EEEK!!! Nonetheless, she is the love of my life and I am enjoying every second God blesses me with her. She is my masterpiece, my work of art.

I love the arts; music, photography & broadway/theater. Baking is the best, but not so great on the tummy or thighs. Hiking trails are fabulous! Mornings jogs are therapeutic. Beaches are fun, relaxing, beautiful and a place of zen. Nonprofit & Volunteer work, if you have never done this..DO IT!  Words do no justice in explaining the overwhelming love one feels after lending a helping hand to others. Girl friends and a glass of vino, an amazing combination! One of the best ways to spend free time, other than watching sports, is to make it a blockbuster night, wrapped in a cozy blanket, while sipping on hot cocoa.

Life...it has not always been peaches and creme.  Some curve balls have been thrown along the way. Thus making me grow thicker skin, matured my growth, gained knowledge and wisdom. Never will I look back and have a negative thought on all that has happened (well, I at least try not to). Never will I question "why me?" We must choose to grow from trials and challenges we face. Take what I have experienced to help others and pay it all forward.

Do I have or know all the answers? No, I do not. I will never claim to be the best or claim to know it all. I won't ever judge, I am not God and would never wish to be in His position to do so.
However, what I do know OR what I found out, through trial and error...that in order to make life smooth and to make the most of any obstacle or challenge, you must keep a mindset that is optimistic and not settle. Be filled with hope, faith and determination. Always pressing forward, as difficult as it may be at times.  Keeping positive and uplifting people in your circle and stay away from those who keep or bring you down.

With that said.. when I am not playing counselor or motivational speaker with family, friends or complete strangers...you will find me taking photos, spending time with Cassy, family, friends and my amazing boyfriend (who I completely adore).  They are who I cherish most. They are who keep me sane. And quite frankly, I'd rather spend my time with them more than anyone or anything else in the world.

God has tremendously blessed my life with amazing people, an extraordinary life and has put me on an adventurous journey. I will not let this life go to waste and will forever be trying to not let Him down.

xo / pris

One of my favorite quotes:
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." ~Erma Bombeck